Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Summer Reinforcement of Language Arts

June already!  When did that happen?!  As the summer approaches and you think about how to encourage your students to keep reading and writing over the summer, you might find the following list helpful.  I also have the information on a google doc which I will share with all lower school teachers.  If you have a great site or app to add, please feel free!  One site in particular that I wanted to mention was the Scholastic summer reading challenge, which allows you to sign up your students as a class so they can track reading over the summer.

Reading and eBook sources

Benchmark library:  https://www.gofollett.com

Epic Books:  http://www.getepic.com  (5.00/month charge but large selection available, can set up by age, some read aloud options) – app also available

Learning Ally:  http://www.learningally.org  Benchmark holds an institutional membership to this online reading service, so there is no charge but you need to be signed up.  (Please contact joyceostertag@benchmarkschool.org for more info and to sign up) App also available

Wonderopolis  :http://wonderopolis.org/  interesting question answered each day – text has a read-aloud feature.  App also available

News-o-matic:  http://press4kids.com/  is a daily kids’ newspaper with interesting features and videos.  There is a small monthly charge for a home subscription

Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge:  http://www.scholastic.com/ups/campaigns/src-2015  Scholasitic offers a free program to track reading over the summer.

Vocabulary, Phonics, and Spelling practice

Turtle Diary  http://www.turtlediary.com  a variety of short language arts games that reinforce literacy subskills. Website

Sheppards Software   http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/web_games_vocab.htm   games and activities around vocabulary reinforcement.  Website

Spelling City:  http://www.spellingcity.com/  Comprehensive spelling and vocabulary site with multiple levels of difficulty available.  While it has a charge to use the full program, there are some options available for free.  Website and App

Sight Words Ninja  https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sight-words-ninja-endless/id821374885?mt=8  Sight word reinforcement for 1st and 2nd level readers.  App

Bluster  https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bluster!/id416160693?mt=8  Vocab reinforcement for 2nd-3rd level readers.  App

vocab reinforcement for2nd-4th level readers.  App

The Opposites  https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-opposites/id480194638?mt=8  Learn vocabulary, particularly with a focus on opposites/antonyms for 2nd to 4th level readers.   paid App Cost:  $1

also from the same company:  same sound express, same meaning magic, same sound spellbound,

Splat-o-nym:  http://www.readnaturally.com/product/splat-o-nym  a game that reinforces synonyms and antonyms.  paid App.  Cost 5.00

Typing practice

BBC Dancemat typing practice  http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/z3c6tfr#zgkpn39  game-like typing practice

Typing.com  http://www.typing.com/  more straightforward keyboarding practice without a lot of bells and whistles

1 comment:

  1. addendum: Learning Ally has a summer reading program with a new student dashboard, a content, affirmations, and a certificate at the end of the summer. If you have students that would benefit but are not yet signed up, see me and I would be happy to help facilitate that.
