Monday, April 6, 2015

Travel and the Internet

As we return from spring break, I am reminded of the many ways that technology can interface with travel and discovering more about our world.  Here are just a few ideas:

1.  I've been loving the google chrome extension I installed called Dream Afar New Tab which features a new and beautiful location each day.  As I click on a new tab, a stunning photo comes up for that day's location.  Some days I get a national park like Yellowstone or Horseshoe Bend, sometimes a foreign location like Tuscany or Bolivia. (Although I am conflicted on this, because I love the Discover Art tab too!)

2.   I'm thrilled that two of our traveling students - Julie in Cuba and Dayan in Spain - used the app Postale to create  and send virtual postcards to the class on their personal iPads.  All the student iPads now have Postale installed, so if your class would like to borrow a set, you can explore this app with them.  Teacher iPads with the general lower school account also have access to Postale - just download into your iPad from "purchased" section of the App store.

3.  Richard Byrne wrote a blog post about the National Park Service's new website, Find Your Park, The website was created in anticipation of the 100th birthday of the national park system, and provides an attractive and accessible look at the national parks.

4.  Speaking of National Parks, our own Independence National Park is one of the best outfitted technologically - there is an Independence Mobile App which gives extensive information, photos, maps, and audio files about Independence National Park.  And best of all the NPS Independence Junior Ranger app (also can be accessed from the full app), which contains 5 "junior ranger activities.  My favorite was virtually ringing the Liberty Bell!

What ways have you found to help your students experience travel through the magic of the internet?  I'd love to add your "finds" to the list!

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