Friday, March 13, 2015

I amuse myself with ChatterPix Kid - and perhaps amuse you too!

Thanks to Richard Byrne's blog post, I have spent the past half hour amusing myself with ChatterPix Kids.  The premise is simple - take a picture, draw a smile, record up to 30 seconds, add some stickers and/or text if you wish, and voila!  Your inanimate object comes to life.  Here's my first attempt - I'm sure all my teachers will recognize the inanimate object!

How does this have any educational value, you wonder?  One thought that immediately came to mind was animating fruits and vegetables in health class to talk about healthy eating.
Or maybe some messages for Earth Day?
A helpful download from Karen Balbier provided some more suggestions.
Links to Chatter Pix Kids Examples available on YouTube

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking this might be a great way to bring our Digital Citizen Superheroes to life. Last Friday we created superheroes that have special powers to save someone from making a bad choice online. I think the kids would love seeing their characters come to life with this app. Thanks for sharing!
